Possible shortage of LNG in Q1?
The recent National Gas Winter Outlook has suggested that the gas security outlook for this coming winter is relatively benign. However, as National Gas themselves admit, this position is dependant on ample supplies of LNG reaching the UK.
Cyprus Hydrocarbons Company
The Energy Contract Company is delighted to announce the signature of a major new contract for consultancy services with the Cyprus Hydrocarbons Company (CHC). CHC is the state oil and gas company of the Republic of Cyprus.
Are we out of the woods yet?
After a year in which gas (and electricity) prices have soared to unimaginable heights, they have recently declined to much more moderate levels. On 10 th March NBP Day ahead prices were down to 110p/therm, compared to 355p, a year previously. Many commentators have interpreted this decline
Can we get through the Winter without power cuts?
National Grid have just released their Winter Outlook for 2022/23 and they admit a possibility that in cold weather we might not have enough gas and power stations would have to be cut off. This in turn could lead to black outs.
Why have UK spot gas prices gone down?
Over the last decade spot gas prices in the UK (NBP) and the Netherlands (TTF) have been almost identical. However, with the recent drive to move away from dependence on Russian gas, these prices have diverged significantly, and UK prices have fallen dramatically.....
Gas isn’t going anywhere!
Reading press coverage of energy matters at the moment you get the distinct impression that gas is a thing of the past and the future is all about renewables and nothing else [...]